*****Warning!!! Warning!!!! Long post filled with lots of pics*****
Wren and I just got back today from a GREAT camping trip to one of our all time fav places -- Seneca Rocks, WV. Saturday marked the celebration of our 2nd year wedding anniversary. So, before I share our weekend adventure photos, I thought it only appropriate to share some of my fav wedding pics.
This pic is just before our ceremony
One of our favs -- the grass is so green and the lighthouse in the background makes it just beautiful. There is also a trick in this pic...how many hearts can you find???
Sealed with a kiss, or two....or three :)
Yay! We are "official!"
Our bling
Infront of Edgartown Lighthouse, Ma
And one last kiss!
It's def hard to believe we have been married for two years all ready. I really didn't think being married would feel that different and it was really Wren who wanted the wedding. I have to say though, looking back -- she's right, it does make a difference. All for the better, of course, but def a difference. I like having our vows to look back on and remember and I think that those same vows hold us very much accountable for our actions. I can honestly say that we still recite our vows to each other every now and then or put them into a card, just as a reminder. And I love Wren even more now then the day we were married!! :)
Ok, enough of the mushy stuff! We had a wonderful weekend and great weather. For those of you not on the east coast, it's been a bit wet lately with rain almost everyday for the past two weeks. West Virginia has especially been hit hard. But luckily, we had a two day window with no rain -- and no rapture might I add, and enough beautiful weather to enjoy some camping and hiking.
So why Seneca Rocks? It's actually been one of Wren's fav spots for a very long time -- loooong before I came around. There is indeed something very relaxing and calming about it. It is also one the spot of Wren and I's first camping trip together when we first started dating, so it holds special memories (wink, wink!).
We left our house early Friday morning, drove to Seneca and had camp set up by 1pm. Then we rested for a while and took a drive to Green Bank, Wv site of the largest moving satellite in the world. Scientists from around the globe study there and can tap into the satellite which transmits radio signals into space. Why is that important??? Somehow sending these signals into space allows scientists to study black holes, distant galaxies, orphan planets, other solar systems, etc. And yes, Wren and I are total dorks and love learning new things!!! After leaving Green Bank we returned to camp, grilled dinner, sat by the fire and relaxed by catching up on some reading.
It's hard to see from the pic but trust me, this thing is huge! You can actually fit 2 football fields inside the basin part.
Wren enjoying the fire and her new book "Juggling Twins"
Home sweet home for the weekend
Me and my new book, also about TWINS!!!
Ah, now this is almost heaven WV! Our view from our tent/campsite. I can't even begin to tell you how many trout were caught from this spot over the weekend. Just gorgeous!
Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast complete with coffee, toast and pancakes. Yes, all possible when you go camping -- or "glamping" (glamorous camping) as our Dr likes to say. After breakfast, we stopped by the local post office to mail out our announcements to our family and closest friends. I'm sure the calls and txts will start Monday or Tuesday when everyone receives their cards! Then we went to a hiking/ National Forrest area called Dolly Sods. I have never hiked the area, but let me tell you -- if you need to get away, this is the spot! One spot we hiked to was so high, but peaceful and you didn't hear anything. N.O.T.H.I.NG. It was almost euphoric. We had a picnic on one set of rocks up there and then tried to take another trail but found it to be like the wetlands and decided to abort. Back to camp we went to prepare dinner for Wren's father and step-mom. They live about 40 mins away from where we camped and invited them over so we could tell them the news. We think they were both very happy. Wren's dad doesn't really talk about his feelings but he smiled when he saw the announcement and was in a good mood the rest of their visit.

Gotta have my coffee in the morning, roughing it or not! Also some pancakes on the griddle.
Wren and I
One view of Dolly Sods, the pic just doesn't do it justice
another view
Ahhh! Now this is a vacation!
Wren on a fun looking rock
This was the sign on one of the trails -- Yikes!
Our "toaster!"
All in all, it was a great weekend! One that we will remember as one of our last camping trips where it will be ''just us.'' However, we are happy to add two additional hikers to our family. We have our last appointment with our fertility clinic Dr this Wednesday. Will post another update then. Until then, I hope everyone has a fantastic week!