This is it!!!! We made it to 39 weeks! 8 days away from a very unwanted scheduled C-section. Hoping to get little man moving in the next few days to avoid the C-section as much as possible.
In our house the past week has been nothing short of one legged jumping jacks, standing on stilts while knitting a new blanket.....anything to induce labor. Yes, we've done it all. All the old wives tales: EPO, sex, nipple stimulation, spicy foods and any other food that also might start labor, pressure points, exercise ball, walking, etc. Our next step is to offer a sacrifice to the fertility gods.
In other news, Spring has arrived, though it feels much like summer all ready. We've taken on a number of projects all ready to give our craftsman home a little curb appeal in hopes of putting it on the market in the very near future. Our good friend, Matt and go-to rent-a-husband has finished our beautiful 6 ft privacy fence, put together the boys new swing set and is in the middle of demolishing our 90 year old original cracked and chipped concrete entrance walk to be replaced by stone pavers. And then of course, yearly mulching and landscaping. We also planted a container garden with O and J this season and are taking great pride in their farming and care skills to far. Sure! Why not do all of this in the midst of waiting for a new baby??
And now, mostly because I am short on time, here is a slide show of the past few months. We enjoyed a babymoon concert with some wonderful friends and musicians, took a family babymoon to Dinosaur Land (the boys are OBSESSED with dinosaurs right now) a cheap iconic roadside attraction not far from our home, attended a firetruck rodeo and just making special memories enjoying our remaining time together as a family of 4. The boys are anticipating the arrival of their "baby brother''and are sweet enough to greet Wren in the morning and bedtime with belly kisses for baby brother. We believe they will make quick and amazing big brothers!
Baby and family moon at 35 weeks: Mama's Black Sheep and Christine Havrilla concert. Family trip to Dinosaur Land in White Post, Va
Firetruck Rodeo -- Apple Blossom Festival 2015
Baby bump 36 weeks:
Baby bump 38 weeks:
Trekking across town trying to get baby trios moving. I'm sure we're a walking entertaining spectacle for our neighbors.
And finally a sneak peak of baby trios. This was from our last sonogram April 13, 2015 when we was 32 weeks. He weighed in at 5.6 lbs and his head was measuring at 37 this point, I'm estimating he is at least 9 lbs and has a noggin the size of a cantaloupe. Perhaps Wren won't mind the C-section afterall....
Sweet baby boy -- your mommies and brother's can't wait to meet you! Please join us soon!!!! And readers, send all your best labor energy our way! Full moon is June never know...
All our best!
Finch and Wren
Extra bonus: if you understand the significance of this photo -- you receive a MILLION extra bonus points! But don't ruin the surprise for everyone ; )

Sunday, May 31, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
28 Weeks and marching along
Remember as a child how time would seem as slow as a snail? As you grew up, time sped up here and there...Fast forward to adulthood and it feels like a month was no longer than a week! As I sit here writing, I just can't believe how fast time is passing. Now that we are over the first trimester sickness, bleeding scares and lethargicness, we are just sailing along.
Here is a picture of Wren at 25 weeks
She wears pregnancy so well -- I swear she just glows all the time and a cloud of rainbows, unicorns and pixie dust follows her around.
These are shots from our most recent ultrasound last week. Baby trios is measuring ahead by almost 2 weeks. He was being camera shy so the tech wasn't able to get any 3D or really nice face shots, but we did get the thumbs up from him assuring us that he is just fine!
Life is good! The boys are thrilled to be big brothers (though Jack was really looking forward to having a little sister....maybe next time.). They are very sweet about talking to baby brother in Mommy's belly. I brought up (the insane amount) the baby clothes totes from the basement and Wren has been busy sorting thru them and getting all the teeny tiny sleepers and onsies washed up. I've been busy stock piling our deep freezer with go-to meals and casseroles in preparation for the new baby sleep deprivation and low energy.
A few weeks ago we sold our Chicco double stroller and I had a moment. Just realizing O and J are 3 and no longer require a stroller, nor could they even come close to fitting in it. Our boys are not tiny or delicate. They are tall and lean, full of spunk. They no longer coo and squeal but have LOTS to say. We are less helicopter parents as they are more and more independent each day. Tick tock, tick tock -- time keeps plugging along. It has no mercy, no concern that your children are growing up. It has no regard for that sweet, innocent baby smell or tiny little fingers and toes. So as our older boys grow and thrive -- Wren and I very much look forward to welcoming our newest bouncing boy into our lives. And maybe, just maybe.... for one glorious minute, time will take a break and stand still at his birth so we can bask in the splendor of his newness.
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