Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our TTC (trying to conceive) Journey

I must say I am relieved to find a blog spot that talks about the journey of other lesbian couples trying to conceive.  I have read many, many of your blogs over the past month and am relieved to hear we aren't alone in this journey of trying to conceive via IUI.  Here is a brief overview of our journey so far....
Finch and I married in May 2009 and started our TTC journey in July 2009.
We were very hopeful we would be as lucky as our friends and have success on try 1 or two from home....that was not the case for us.

Our attempts to date include:
July 09 - 2 ICI at home   BFN
August 09 - 2 ICI at home  BFN
December 09 - 2 IUI  BFN
April 2010 -1 IUI BFN

After 2 attempts from home, we decided to go through a fertility specialist to spend our $$ wisely.
After a social work consult, multiple tests, blood work, etc. the doctor said that all of my levels are normal.
Despite being 35,  she said we had a good chance of success with IUI.

Our 3rd IUI attempt is scheduled for this Thursday and Friday.  The past month and a half has been very focused on healthy eating and exercise.  I have lost 11.5 pounds since the end of June.  I have been drinking fertili"tea", eating gogi berries, avocado, almonds, salmon, honey,  smoothies, fruits and veggies, no caffeine, no red meat, etc.   We went to the health food store in July and brought all of the ingredients for 2 variations of fertili"tea".  I have had about 8-9 acupuncture treatments over the past month and a half to "balance" my energy flow and increase my fertility.   My next appointment is on Wednesday (the day prior to our IUI) and a follow up on Friday (the morning of day 2 IUI) - Wish us luck!!!!!  We haven't gone to the medication route yet because the doctor seems confident we will have success......fingers crossed!    ~Wren

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