Wednesday, April 13, 2011

23 fertilized - hooray!

First of all, thank you so much for all the positive comments everyone has left on our blog! :)
I called to talk to my nurse today to make sure that everything would be ok with my right ovary and she
reassured me that the antibiotics would take care of it - I'm not on any meds for OHSS...I have been drinking tons of Gatorade and eating protein with every meal though. Have been in bed most of today too with a heating pad.  Our nurse said that 23 of the eggs fertilized!!!!  We had the ICSI procedure done to fertilize them.  She said she would call tomorrow with the fertilization report and determine if we will be a 3-day of 5-day transfer. She said she was 99% sure it would be a 5 day transfer so we will see....that would be Sunday!  Our dogs are absolutely loving having me home all day and have napped with me the past two days....they are too cute.  We will keep you posted and hope to have at least 2 great ones to transfer and to freeze the rest for later...that's our plan for now.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Woohoo!! Awesome fertilization report!! :)

    I'm glad you are eating protein and drinking gatorade. Don't forget to limit your sodium as well :)

  2. congrats! 23!!! sending good growing and dividing thoughts!

  3. Holy gaucamole! 23?!? That is pretty amazing!

    Those doggies are doing a great job taking care of you ;)

  4. great news! Now grow, little embies, grow!!

  5. wonderful number! looks like you'll have a lot of embies to freeze for #2. :)
