Tuesday, April 12, 2011

32 eggs

The doc retrieved 32 eggs today - we will know tomorrow how many actually fertilized though.... 
The doc accidentally poked my right ovary with the needle during the procedure though so he put me on antibiotics for the next 5 days to prevent infection. Hopefully it didn't damage it or cause any long term consequences.  I started the Estradiol tonight and will start the Endometrium (Progesterone) tomorrow 3 x  a day.  Have been in bed the rest of the day with a heat pack and taking some pain medicine.....drinking Gatorade and eating protein....will report more tomorrow - thanks for all the wishes!!!! :)


  1. whoa! That's a lot of eggs! Are you taking Dosonex (sp?)?? It's the OHSS med that Laurie had to take both times.

    I hope you can wish that away!

  2. I'll second the Wow! I hope you get lots of good embies! :)

  3. Wow that is great! Good luck-- I hope your ovary heals quickly and completely!

  4. Holy eggs batman!!!!! That's like a record! I bet you will have a lot that fertilize and are going to have several to freeze! This is great news!!! Can't wait to hear more!

  5. Wow that's amazing. I've never even gotten that many! Good luck on your fertilization report. :D

  6. You are truly an egg-producing machine. Good job! That's what I want next time around...

  7. Wow! Looking forward to hearing what's next! Take good care of yourself, girl.

  8. Freaking awesome! Can't wait to hear a fertilization report.
